Believing: its a relentless looking forward. a bent toward the future. a refusal to dwell on or even muse for a second on the past with regret or wishful thinking.
there is more, there is more, there is more.. with every breathe there is more.
as long as we are still held by gravity, there is purpose. there is worship.
The God who created order and logic is an order and logic defying God.
the promise that Abraham and Sarah inherited was outside the realms of possibility.
But God was after faith, belief that He can do anything…
face to the sky
knowing that if God says its true. then it is.
we have the benefit of a 360 degree view as we read Abrahams story..
but what dark days he must have gone through wondering, wrestling with his own questions and doubts.
abrahams story reminds us that with an iron patience and heart of humility we will inherit what God alone can accomplish.
God i believe, Help my unbelief